the PyQt5 5.14.0 is broken because can’t not install on resp pi 3 . you can to install a version of PyQt5 that working fine on resp. follow the steps:
PyQt5 5.14.0 已损坏,因为无法无法安装在 resp pi 3 上。您可以安装一个在 resp 上运行良好的 PyQt5 版本,请按照以下步骤操作:

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pyqt5
python3 –version
now, with PyQt5 installed on system only to check if everything ok:
现在,在系统上安装 PyQt5 只是为了检查是否一切正常:

python3 -c “from PyQt5.QtCore import QSettings; print(‘done’)”
if you got the message done, nice. the next step is remove somes lines from file requirements.txt on root the wifipumpkin3 project. Open the file and delete this lines:
如果你收到消息,很好。下一步是从 WifiPumpkin3 项目的 root 文件requirements.txt中删除一些行。打开文件并删除以下行:

great, now you can install the tool:

python3 install
Finished processing dependencies for wifipumpkin31.0.0
done, if you got here, execute the tool with:
完成 wifipumpkin31.0.0 的依赖项处理完成,如果您到达此处,请使用以下命令执行该工具:

sudo wifipumpkin3
send me the feedback! nice report.